In the News
Chang Liu Defends Dissertation
Doctoral Candidate Chang Liu successfully defended his dissertation, “SOCIOTECHNICAL MATCHING: FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS AT THE PERIPHERIES OF
Juan Alfonso de la Rosa Defends Dissertation
Doctoral Candidate Juan Alfonso de la Rosa successfully defended his dissertation, “MULTILAYER FUTURE SYSTEM-MAPPING USING DECENTERED
Mohammad Amanzadeh Defends Dissertation
Doctoral Candidate Mohammad Amanzadeh successfully defended his dissertation, “A MATHEMATICAL INTERPRETATION OF HUMAN BODY MOVEMENT”
Monica Porteanu Defends Dissertation
Doctoral Candidate Monica Porteanu successfully defended her dissertation, “DECISION-MAKING FOR A REGENERATIVE SOCIETY:VOICE-BASED EMOTION AI”
Ryan Ingebritsen Defends Dissertation
Doctoral Candidate Ryan Ingebritsen successfully defended his dissertation, “AUDITORY KINESTHESIA: A FRAMEWORK TO FACILITATE THE
Yaguang Sun Defends Dissertation
Doctoral Candidate Yaguang Sun successfully defended his dissertation, “NEW CHALLENGES FOR SMARTPHONE APPS AMONG CHINESE