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Spatial Informatics

SPATIAL INFORMATICS represents an overarching umbrella for studying theories, methods, and applications of spatial analysis/modeling; and spatial data handling, management, and visualization. Spatial Informatics research and education are becoming increasingly important as data-intensive, large-scale, and/or multi-scale problems that involve the use and development of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and spatial analysis/modeling are becoming ubiquitous in scientific discovery and decision-making in many fields.


  • Methods and software in GIScience (Geographic Information Science)
  • Policy and user issues of GIS, geospatial data accessibility
  • Spatial decision support systems
  • Geospatial problem solving environments, and novel applications of GIS such as in Business
  • Earth sciences
  • Environmental Science and Engineering
  • Epidemiology
  • Geography and Regional Science
  • Natural Resource Management
  • Urban and Regional Planning