Siva Ratna Kumari Narisetti Defends Dissertation
Doctoral Candidate Siva Narisetti successfully defended her dissertation, “Utility of Agricultural Mobile Apps Among Rural Indian Farmers”, on April, 1st and plans to graduate December 2020. She is currently a faculty member at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University in Computer Science. Program Area: Data Analytics and Information Visualization & Design, Technology and Society Research: My research […]
PhD Student Gerry Derkson named TIER-ED Graduate Fellow for 2020-2021
Informatics PhD student Gerry Derkson was named a TIER-ED Graduate Fellow for 2020/2021. My PhD research topic centers on using data taken from toys that aids children who have difficulty making decisions or suffer mild forms of autism. Particularly, I am interested in designing toys that are couched in stories that can extend their narratives […]
Santiago Nuñez-Corrales Defends Dissertation
Doctoral Candidate Santiago Nuñez-Corrales successfully defended his dissertation, “A Generalized Theory of Interactions and Related Computational Infrastructure for their Universal and Efficient Investigation”, on September, 30th. Program Area: Cognitive Science and Language Processing Research: My current research work is aimed at understanding Complex Multiscale Stochastic Systems -systems with irreducible noise that can be described at […]